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AGIS AI RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)

AGIS Retrieval Augmented Generation

What is Rag?

RAG for LLMs combines real-time information retrieval with text generation, enhancing responses with up-to-date, specific data. The orchestration layer is crucial as it efficiently manages the interaction between retrieval and generation processes, ensuring relevant information is seamlessly integrated into the generated output, thus improving accuracy and relevancy.

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LLM’s and Subjective Experiences

Large language models have revolutionized Artificial Intelligence with their ability to create intelligent responses to inquiries given a prompt and a set of data to pull from.

While there are many ways to make your data available to an AI – some, such as fine tuning, are time consuming, expensive, and inflexible. Other methods such as simply clever prompt creation are inaccurate and often incomplete.

When working with real customers, you often find that to provide a user answer, you must reach across multiple documents.

Lets look at some potential customer inquiries and the sources of those responses:

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AGIS in Gaming

AGIS inside! Automatically generate NPC characters, each with their own unique backstory, characteristics, and quirks. These backstories drive user interactions in creative and, sometimes, hilarious ways. Want each NPC to have a unique voice, our system ties into a variety of voice generators best suited to your needs.

Define unique animation for interactivity based on your game style. As seen above, the customizations are endless.

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Regression Testing

Regression Testing is a type of testing in the software development cycle that runs after every change to ensure that the change introduces no unintended breaks. Regression testing addresses a common issue that developers face — the emergence of old bugs with the introduction of new changes.

If a project does not implement strict version control systems, it will be difficult to trace which change introduced a bug. Therefore, it is a good practice to incorporate robust regression testing in any project.

Typically, it involves writing a test for a known bug and re-running this test after every change to the code base. This aims to immediately identify any change that reintroduces a bug.

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